Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Baby Primary

Personally, I think this would have been a marvelous time for a sticker that says "don't abort me" to reveal itself on the baby's behind leading to both a comical reference to the diaper's contents as well as an awkward photo for Hillary.

Anyway, I am not above plugging another website when it deserves special attention. While I hate to do it too frequently lest I show my own unoriginality and inability to deliver fresh new content, sometimes a site simply deserves a link.

The gentlemen to whom I will now send you shows the same irreverence for this election that I thus far have. The gist of the piece is that the he lives in New Hampshire and made it a point to have his new born baby daughter photographed with every major Presidential candidate. While someday it will be a great picture for the little one to be held by the future President, the father's willingness to thrust his child through a crowd adorned in whatever candidate's stickers the situation warrants strikes me as absolutely terrific. Drew Junior - in your unconceived state - beware.

Photo from

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